Bring your ideas to life

Have you ever had a really great idea that never went beyond the thought phase?

Maybe an idea about a way to make money, or a new hobby, project or business?

What is it that makes us stop at the thought phase? Perhaps because we forgot about it, or got busy or distracted by other pressing things, or possibly because we don’t think we had the economic means or the skills to carry it out.

If we don’t take the idea beyond the initial thought phase, meaning mention it to someone, share it in a meeting or at least write it down, then we might never get a chance to experience the brilliance of our ideas.

Once in a while those ideas get developed and become successes.

But more often than not, we go beyond the thought phase and share an idea with someone or even write it down.

But how often do we get start and then abandon it midstream.

What if you could test out your ideas in a friendly and energized environment and have clarity about which ideas to move forward with, and which ideas need re-organizing, or more time?

When you don’t take your ideas forward, they don’t go away, they just move on with the wind to someone else’s creations. How many times have you had an idea and then saw it realized, manifested in someone else’s life or business or world?

So, what ideas do you have that it may now be time to bring to life?

Be willing to recognize your creative capacities, by sharing and exploring some of the ideas that come to you, having a discussion about them and seeing what else might be possible that you have not yet imagined then you can begin drafting, creating and choosing based on what works. You get more clarity and when you work in a phase by phase mode you can always adjust it or change it when it doesn’t work. The important thing is to START.

Where to start:

1. Idea – acknowledge it, write it down.

2. discussion – articulate it, talk about it with someone you trust

3. draft scenario– write down a couple of ways the idea might work, a flexible format whatever comes to mind, even an image

4. production – if it still inspires you, look for some ways to develop it (where, when, how, with whom: activate the organigram, the steps and the flow,

5. diffusion – get it out there, share it, go viral

6. analysis – see what the effects are, what it is creating

7. revision – adjust or continue on the same road if it is working

This is actually how we could live our lives in a more enjoyable and productive way.

What if your particular brand of magic, the way you would actualize that idea is a gem the world is waiting to behold?

Is it time to share your gifts with the world?

Bring your dreams to life!

By Kass Thomas

If you would like to know more about bringing your dreams to life and project development please join me for Dancing with Riches, a pragmatic and revolutionary approach to business and project development which is inspiring clarity and unique creations in the world

Here are the upcoming Dancing with Riches classes

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Celebrating every moment and expanding possibilities

As for every American, Thanksgiving is probably the most important day of the year.  For me, it is something very special.

Seven years ago, in 2012, I transformed my annual Thanksgiving celebration from a relatively small dinner with 14 people to an explosive party of possibilities with around 60 people. My mother had passed away a month before and my father had passed away in the same month, two years prior.

What I realize is that life is about living and celebrating every moment. Celebrating those who have had a life, those who will have another one, and every moment that we choose to be alive on this planet.  So what this end-of-the-year season has become for me is not an ending, but a beginning of possibilities for a different perspective. An end of the separation between the past, present and future.

When we stop considering life on this planet as a limitation with a beginning, middle and end we open up a space of new possibilities. 

Even the most simple things like a dinner can inspire this change. For example, I never thought I would ever be able to prepare a dinner for 60 people by myself.  As soon as I was willing to get rid of my point of view about that and the right way to do it, or the wrong way to do it, I was able to create a yearly event that continues to go beyond anything I would have ever imagined.

What impression of the past are you using to create a future of limitations? How much does that separate you from a future that opens up streams of possibilities?

If you approach the future in a different way, how much would it enrich your life and contribute to your fun factor? 

If you’re willing to change your point of view of what you consider a setback, you will open up a new space of possibilities. Are you willing to increase your vision and expand your possibilities?

From that space, I would like to invite you to join me in the new year and explore a larger vision of what you are capable of that you may not have yet considered.

Kass Thomas

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Tales from the Golden Planet

One of  the things I love most about teaching this class is that I get to talk to people about ending separation and reigniting oneness.

I engage with the Golden Planet – a magical place from 4 trillion years ago, described by Gary Douglas – to invite the world to recognize that separation is an invention and a lie and that communion with all things and all people is the truth of who we truly are.

These Tales from the Golden Planet classes identify the implants that trigger the auto-response of separation. 

Once we have identified these triggers and implanted points of view, we begin to easily recognize them when they show up in our daily lives.

In fact, I bring up specific examples from our everyday lives in order to demonstrate that precious “moment of choice” when we can either choose oneness and communion or revert to separation. 

These practical examples illuminate how well we are entrained to assuming a defensive posture instead of the potency that vulnerability (no defensive barriers) truly is. Defensive posture is part of this polarized reality and leaves little or no space for love, kindness or gratitude. 

Just reading this, or asking a question about what else is possible, can encourage our capacities for communion and oneness to reawaken.

There is so much more that unites us than separates us. 

Would you be willing to give up the implanted points of view that keep separation in place?

Is it time to know what we have always known and be who we have always been?

What change can we affect here on planet Earth by simply remembering and reclaiming our abilities to perceive, know, be and receive all?

Is now the time?

Kass Thomas

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A Woman’s Perspective: How To Be Aware of Your Financial Status

What will it take for you to be financially aware?

I have had many conversations lately about the need for women to be financially aware. The only way that we can productively employ our finances is if we are aware of their existence, their capabilities and the opportunities they can open up for us.

Money is a creation that leads to possibilities. It is an opportunity creator. It allows us to purchase things, create a larger social status, as well as complete our deepest materialistic desires. What we choose to surround ourselves with reflects our inner selves, and so the materials that we choose to buy with money is a conscious decision that we make. This is all possible when we take control of our finances, i.e. money, and create these possibilities.

Money also allows us to make more money. Doesn’t that sound awesome? It’s like if Alladin rubbed the lamp and made a wish to have more wishes! Money allows us to expand itself, only if we have the tools to be aware of it and direct it onto the most contributive avenues. In simple words, we can invest our money into those possibilities that lead us to make more money so we can be a contribution to our lives and to a world we know is possible but that has not yet been realized. The more money we are willing to have and create the more money we can use to invite the world to different possibilities.

So how can we increase this potential, for our personal growth and for the world at large? The first step to achieving this is to become more aware of money and our finances. This is divided into the money we have, the money we need to spend and the money we desire to have.

What is the money we have and are earning?

The money we have is simply, our savings, and the incoming flow of cash.

If you have a family, then be aware of what your partner’s earnings and savings are too, or if you share an open relationship with more members of the family, be aware of the rest of your family’s savings and earnings.

Get an idea of exactly what amount you earn. This may sound like something you are already aware of, but it never hurts to take another look at it. Check your bank and investment statements, check your salary and check your savings. Sometimes it so happens that we depend upon other people to review our statements. That is fine, but check them yourself as well, this allows you to take control of the situation at any given moment, if required.

What is the money we need to spend?

In our lives there are certain things we need to account for, the unavoidable expenses.
As human beings we need a house to live in, food to eat and water to drink, as well as clothes to wear and other important expenditures.
Make a note of all the necessary expenses you have, and how you take it out of your earnings and your savings. Things like rent, electricity, clothes and grocery items will be common.

As soon as you make an account of this, you are making your mind aware of where your basic money is going. You are making your body aware that the work it does is for a reason. The next time you eat your food, or watch TV, you will be aware that this is a direct result of the work you have done, of the money you have earned.

What is the money we want to spend?
The items in this category are simply, our desires.
On what luxuries do we want to spend our hard-earned money?

Maybe a meal in a renowned, expensive restaurant, or that Gucci bag you have been eyeing for a while.
It is very important to spend money on what you want and desire. Life is not just about the bare necessities, but also the pleasures of material gains. We should look into the patterns of how we do or do not give into these desires, and again, be aware of them.

Once you have answered these questions, you need to think about how you will be answering these questions in the future. Simply put, you need to make a plan as to:
(i)  How much you want to earn
(ii)  How much you need to spend on necessities
(iii) How much you choose to spend on your wants and luxuries

Decide on  set amount that you need for necessary expenditures. Decide on a set amount you choose to spend on your wants. And finally, this will lead you to the amount you choose to save. This is being truly aware of your finances. The next step is how to make your savings multiply into more savings.But this will never be possible until you know how much you save, or until you take control and decide how much you choose to save.

What are the possibilities of choosing how much money you can save, and turning it into more money?

Kass Thomas

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The 7steps to Success in Your Business

Every great business has a story. The first seed that is planted into the entrepreneur’s mind can flourish into a successful company with the right tools and focus. So, we have come here to ask you: What will it take for you to start your business?
This question can be divided further into 7 questions, your 7steps to Success with your business:
Why, who, for whom, what, when, where and how. Sound simple enough? These simple questions have the capacity to facilitate a thorough exploration of what your business has the capacity to become, so that you both can fly and glide the winds of change and reach for the sky and beyond.
Let us begin.
Go through the questions at least five different times. Use a booklet to write down your responses to each question, and leave enough space after each question, so you can go back and write the next round of responses under each question. Leave about 5 spaces for each question. Try to fill in a new space for each question without letting the previous answers influence the new one. This helps you test the limits, possibilities, and creativity of your own mind. It will be quite interesting to see how often your new responses align with the old ones, and how often new awarenesses pop up that expand your initial perspective.

Rule #1: HAVE FUN
  1. Why?
Why do you want to start this business?
What is your inspiration and motivation for starting this? 
(Please note this can be economic, spiritual, emotional, intellectual. Please do not try to have an “honorable” motivation – that is a judgement and a violation of rule #2.)
Simply write down the first things that come to mind. See if you can write down at least 3 responses.
2.  Who?
Who will work in this business? 
Will you? 
Will others?
Who are those others? 
Even if you don’t know their names yet, what are the talents and characteristics of the people who would be a contribution? What does the business require (activities, talents, roles, expertise)? 
Sometimes you need a person with a certain title to be on board, one of the founding members, or an ambassador for the company, in order to give the business a level of prestige, it requires to make an impact. That could be a famous psychologist or a Nobel peace prize winner, depending on the business. Who will be involved is a great question. Write down at least 7 names or titles or talents or a combination of each.
3. Whom?
For whom is the business? Who is the customer?
Who would benefit most from the services or products you plan to offer? 
What demographics do they have?
4. What?
What is the business about? 
What exactly is the product or service?
What makes it unique? 
What do you see it creating in the industry or world?

5. When?
Is now the time to launch the business? Or is it in the future?
Why is now or then the perfect timing to open the business?
How long will it last? Is it a temporary project?
What phases will it have?
When does each phase begin and end?
Often, how much time something takes is not relevant, but timing can be a great key to success.

6. Where?
Does it have a physical location?
Is it an online business?
Is the “where” you have decided an advantage or a limitation?
Might this be a pilot project in one location that then expands into multiple locations?
7. How?
How will you start, get the word out, activate the functionality of the business, and move it to success?
What’s the plan and with each step what are the alternatives in case you encounter roadblocks?
These questions can be your 7steps to Success as they invite you to look at the business from a 360° approach.
You can also play with the sequence of the steps, changing the order in which you ask yourself these questions. You will discover how they feed into one another to create a more complete picture, a more flexible business plan, or a more accurate mission statement. For example: “how” you get the business moving will also be influenced by “who” will be working in the business, “when” and “what” their skills are.
Look at these questions one by one to begin with. Then go through them again, without referring to your previous answers. By the third round, you will see what a gift it is and how much more clarity you gain on your responses. You will be able to explore new possibilities which reveal themselves with each round of responses.
And here we come to the final part of this exercise.
We have discussed all the relevant questions to determine the business internally. But here are two other factors to take into consideration:
  1. How will the business affect you personally?
  2. How will the business affect external factors, i.e., the world, the people in your life, and similar businesses)?
In what priority would you like to place the above two factors? Go back and give one final round of responses to each of the questions with these factors in mind and see how your perception transforms!
When you already have a business, it is also important to recognize when it is time for a change, and these questions can help you ascertain that too. Sometimes we start a business and have collaborators that are very good at start-ups. At a certain point, a change in collaborators may be required in order to move the business to the next phase, new people with different talents that get the business going on a different level. And, often, it is important to recognize when it is time to close the business, start a new business, or expand the business.
These are all different energies, and it is important to ask questions at each step of the way to know whether you should move forward, maintain, or change tracks.
Business and entrepreneurial activity is an ever changing and dynamic endeavor. Are you ready to have more ease and clarity about which direction you desire to take?

Try the 7steps to Success and see what innovation or even confirmation they can bring to you and your business.

Kass Thomas

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#communication #motivation #empoweringpeople #relationship #business #success #women #moreease #money

Women, Finance and Awareness: Planning for the Future


What does it take to empower women completely?

Equal employment opportunities, equal pay, the right to vote and many other things come to mind when I ask this question. These things, in addition to empowering women to create a more secure financial future generate more for the world at large.

So, how can we create more for the world at large by empowering women?

The most important step is to increase awareness. By informing themselves about their financial situation, women can have more awareness which always brings about greater possibilities and more choice.

Inevitably, there are many factors that are not immediately in our control but there are also many others that are within our control. If we are willing to investigate them and stay informed, we can work with both of these. Let me give some examples:

Factors that are NOT in our immediate control:

How does society progress?

Society progresses when someone takes a stand. There was a woman who put her foot down and demanded the right to vote. Another woman demanded to work and earn her own money. Another one demanded to be given the right to study.

It is when we speak up and make our desires known, that society progresses and makes a change for the better.

But this process is not always as easy as it might seem and it takes time to make these changes and a lot of blood, sweat, and tears. So, these are factors that are not in our immediate control.

Things like equal pay and equal employment opportunities take some effort. We are working toward making these a reality, but we are not quite there yet.

What about factors that ARE in our immediate control?

It is just a matter of being aware that makes all the difference in the world.

Are you aware of your economic status?

Are you aware of your investments or investment potential?

Are you aware of the competitive value of your current salary? (i.e. what a man would be paid in your place.)

Are you aware of all your household expenditures, loan repayments, mortgage payments, and others? (Even if someone else is currently handling that for you.)

It is crucial for women to explore the answers to all these questions. These factors are in our control and they are the first steps to maximizing our wealth. We must be aware of the responses to these questions if we desire to secure our financial future.

Women are not truly empowered until they are aware and in control of their own finances.

Finance and money, is the purchasing power that an individual has. It is the capacity for us to buy what we want, invest how we want, and even transform that money into more wealth. It is crucial for women to have financial independence, in order to be able to make their own

decisions and secure a future for themselves and their family. When we blindly depend upon others, like our husbands or families, we transfer that responsibility to them and give up our power. Reclaiming financial awareness does not mean you don’t trust your family. It means that you trust yourself and are willing to be an active contribution to the family and to the world.

Now that we have identified some specific ways to activate financial awareness and security for the future for ourselves, it is important to look at the bigger picture:

What will it take to achieve the economic rise of women globally?

How many women take up top management positions across the globe?

Is this number enough?

Once, I went to a meeting organized by a banker for a group of women. We spoke about women, banking, and finance. She was giving us statistics about the percentage of women who occupied positions in top management across the globe. She also happened to mention a research study that claimed that the more women occupy top management positions, the more this increases economic growth and opportunities for the world. This tells us, the world has recognized the contribution women can be to it, it is time that we realize it as well.

To give a small example of the economic contribution that women can be, think about it like this:

If the workforce consisted solely of men, and no women, that would give the economy half the manpower, half the skills, half the possibilities, and half the opportunities.

Is now the time for women to reclaim their financial power and thereby increase the economic potency and potential for the world?

Let’s start with gaining more individual financial awareness and becoming informed about our own situation. Then, let’s continue exploring what progress in society we can contribute by staying informed and asking questions, so that we can discover new possibilities and make different choices for a greater economic world future.

Ready to start today? 

What is the one action you can take today to move toward creating a more secure financial future right away?

Kass Thomas

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#accessconsciousness #whatelseispossible #weip #nevergiveup #easejoy&glory
#communication #motivation #empoweringpeople #relationship #business #success #women #moreease #money

Destiny or choice? It is all up to you

I had a déjà vu. When I arrived home in Rome at the end of July – after two months of travel and working really hard – I was super excited to start a month-long journey with my husband, having some ease, joy and glory together. V-A-C-A-T-I-O-N! 

The last time we had so much time together was in the Spring of this year. Right before Easter, I reached home really looking forward to a 7-week journey with him. Our plan was to have 10 days in Rome and then travel to South Africa on safari for two weeks to celebrate our first 20 years of marriage.

This time, in August, our plan was to stay in Italy and enjoy this Italian lifestyle vacation: having fun in Rome with friends, before heading to the seaside to play tennis and hang out with the family a bit and go everyday to the beach together. 

What do you know about projections and expectations? 
Do we allow them to lead us down the road of separation, judgment and rejection?

Last time, in the Spring, on my first day home, we went on a motorbike ride in the morning through Rome. It’s called “a Roman ride”. Then my hubby went off to play tennis in the afternoon and we had planned an evening “Roman ride” later that day. The best-laid plans…

Instead of going out on an evening ride as planned, he came home in pain and was blocked on the couch with an ice pack on his right calf. He had hurt his leg while playing tennis. Oops! He went for two or three echographies and finally we discovered that what they had originally diagnosed as a pulled muscle turned out to be a venal thrombosis. This prevented him from being able to travel by plane for two months.

So, we had to cancel our anniversary trip to South Africa. No safari, no vacation. It was seven long weeks of nervousness and fear about the vein causing a cardiac arrest and perhaps killing him. Thankfully, that worked out well: he didn’t die, and now that venal thrombosis is gone. 

This time, 3 months later, hubby was playing tennis, as my flight was landing in Rome. Our plan was that he would finish playing, stop to pick up some goodies for dinner, and get home in time to meet me with some fresh fish and yummy Italian white wine – the perfect way to celebrate the beginning of our Summer vacation together in our beautiful garden. We had dinner, alright, that’s a given in Italy, but it was not exactly what we expected.

You see, he got home a little later than expected, not because he had stopped to pick up something for dinner, but because he had spent an hour in the locker room at the tennis club with an ice pack on his ankle. He had twisted the ankle on his left leg. He spent the next few days busy trying to squeeze in an appointment for an echography.

That first night home, as I was putting ice on his ankle, I was EXHAUSTED, and he was in PAIN and SAD and CRANKY.

Let’s just say it was not exactly the start to the vacation that we were anticipating.

We started remembering last summer when he had a similar situation, during our vacation together in August at the seaside. He had been playing tennis and got an ankle injury, and had a few weeks of pain and suffering. We actually had to cut our vacation short.

That memory lead us to other memories. I remembered our very first vacation together, over 20 years prior, when I was still living in New York. Before getting on the plane to come see me, he hurt himself and came to New York limping with crutches!!! He too began remembering other times when his ankle or leg had been hurt around vacation time. 

Hmmmm. Were we noticing a pattern here or were we feeding the fires of drama and trauma?

It’s so interesting how we start going back over the past, compiling data to come up with a decision: maybe vacation together is not such a healthy idea.

The funny thing is, this is not about me. Where is he in the equation? He is the one suffering, and all I could think about in those 10 seconds during that first night home was “WHY ME?“ 

Take a deep breath and count to ten.

The next morning, thanks to my positive nature, my years of living as the question and working with the tools of Access Consciousness, and, let’s face it, a good night’s sleep, we started off on a different foot, no pun intended.

I also (finally!) started using the tools of Access and asking lots of questions and opening up some different possibilities.

I did some energetic body work on his ankle, and, since he is admittedly an alchemist with his body, he started shifting stuff too in his mind and then body. 

I asked these questions:
“What is right about this that I am not getting?”
“What is the lesson here?”
“What about him?”
“What energy, what space, what consciousness and what choice can I be and engage, that will create more here?”
“What if I was willing to go with the flow and truly allow ALL of life to come to me with ease and joy and glory?”
“Would that speed up the recovery? Or eliminate the drama and pain?”

It is so interesting how future projections can lead us down a road of blame, shame, regret, and guilt when it doesn’t turn out as we expect…

These are all the ways we are distracting ourselves from living in the present moment and moving forward and creating more, no matter what.

Is it our point of view, our perspective, that creates the reality that we live?
Do we allow our projections and expectations to influence how we see the world and live our lives?
Are we willing to always look on the bright side of life no matter what manifests in our lives?
Can we simply be grateful that we are still alive and able to have a perspective?  

It truly is just a choice.

Kass Thomas

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