“Be Connected To YOU!”

Be Connected To YOU! 

“Sure, anyone can get temporarily distracted or be momentarily in a fog while day dreaming, or something. But most people spend 900% of their time (that’s right 900!), somewhere else other than the present moment and they are certainly not connected to themselves or their bodies. 

Therefore, the first thing I recommend to everyone, before trying to connect with someone else, is to double check that you are connected to you.” 

~ Kass Thomas

For more about Kass and her classes, recordings, books & products, go here!


“Being Present with YOU!”

Being Present with YOU! 

“I realized that the moments I was truly being present with me and being in communion with all things was when I was riding to the ocean each morning, singing with the birds, swimming with the fish and laughing with the Polar Bears.”  

~ Kass Thomas

What inspiration is available to you today, that you have not yet imagined? What could you do that lights up your world?

For more about Kass and her classes, recordings, books & products, go here!


“Reconnect with your natural capacity to commune.”

Reconnect with your natural capacity to commune. 

“Once we know who we are, connect to what is true for us and disconnect from what is not true for us, we start having more fun and enjoying everyone and everything  around us in a whole new way. Our willingness to seek a different reality, beyond the controlled environment of the mind, is contagious and grows daily. Reconnecting with our natural capacity to commune with the animals, plants, fairies and people who inhabit this beautiful planet becomes easy.” 

~ Kass Thomas

For more about Kass and her classes, recordings, books & products, go here!
