Having Ease with Money: “Money Is Present In Even The Most Intimate Areas Of Our Lives, Have You Ever Noticed?”

Money is present in even the most intimate areas of our lives, 

have you ever noticed?

“Some people who have an inkling about the omnipresence of 

invasive thoughts and buzz words like those above decide that 

they don’t want to have anything to do with this mad cycle. They

refuse to play the game and try to withdraw from the race. But 

is it truly possible to live a life that has nothing to do with 

money? I don’t  believe so, not in this day and age, not today, 

not in modern society. Money is present in even the most 

intimate areas of our lives, have you ever noticed?”

~ Kass Thomas 

For more about Kass and her classes, recordings, books & products, go here!


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