7 Steps to Flawless Communication: “Set Your Mind To Create More Basic Choices”


“Instead of using our brains to create more choices, we have constructed a society with lots of rules and regulations to camouflage the basics. So we don’t even know when it’s time to hunt, eat, run or hide. This invokes all kinds of confusion and creates anxiety, stress and fear, making it difficult and often impossible to relate with anyone, even on a very basic level.”

~Kass Thomas 

For more about Kass and her classes, recordings, books & products, go here!


Having Ease with Money: “Money Is Present In Even The Most Intimate Areas Of Our Lives, Have You Ever Noticed?”

Money is present in even the most intimate areas of our lives, 

have you ever noticed?

“Some people who have an inkling about the omnipresence of 

invasive thoughts and buzz words like those above decide that 

they don’t want to have anything to do with this mad cycle. They

refuse to play the game and try to withdraw from the race. But 

is it truly possible to live a life that has nothing to do with 

money? I don’t  believe so, not in this day and age, not today, 

not in modern society. Money is present in even the most 

intimate areas of our lives, have you ever noticed?”

~ Kass Thomas 

For more about Kass and her classes, recordings, books & products, go here!


Having Ease with Money: “It Does Not Become Too Much Information, Instead It Just Is!”


Having all that awareness is not always comfortable. Most 

of us would rather just be aware of the ideas and thoughts 

we’ve judged as good or positive, and ignore or fix-up the 

bad or negative ones. To be aware of everyone’s good and 

bad thoughts, feelings, and emotions, points of view, 

considerations, fears and hopes and dreams around 

money (or anything else) can feel like a bombardment of 

information. To think that any or all of those may be 

influencing us too can be, to say the least, a bit 


What makes them overwhelming is resisting and reacting 

to  them or aligning and agreeing with them. If you are 

simply aware of them, without having to process them, 

categorize them or deal with them in any way, it does not 

become too much information and overwhelm us, instead it 

just is and when it just is it can contribute to us instead.

~Kass Thomas 

For more about Kass and her classes, recordings, books & products, go here!


Having Ease with Money: “Dance with Money”



“Easy for me to say, right? Ha! It hasn’t always 

been. I’ve always worked hard. I was raised 

that way. So when I talk about ease with 

money, it is a learned behavior, believe me. I, 

just like you, didn’t always have the ease and 

joy with money that I have today! I invite you 

to read along and see that you, too, can learn 

to dance with money!Let’s dance with money, 

and play with riches, and invite the energy of 

wealth and abundance so that you can have 

the ease and joy with money that’s truly 


~Kass Thomas 

For more about Kass and her classes, recordings, books & products, go here!


Having Ease with Money:”It is Like Riding a Bike, Easy, Automatic and Fun”


“Remember the way it felt the first time you got on a bike (a two-wheeler, not the stationary kind or the ones with training wheels).

At first, you were all wobbly, and you thought for sure you were going to fall. It felt really awkward. After a while, and with some practice, it became easy, didn’t it? Soon, you didn’t even have to think about what it felt like, you just got on your bike, took off and started gliding. That’s the way this perceiving multiple energies is. Like I said, it may seem uncomfortable, unfamiliar and strange at first, but then it is like riding a bike, easy, automatic and fun.”


         ~Kass Thomas 

For more about Kass and her classes, recordings, books & products, go here!


Having Ease with Money: “Words Carry a vibration”

Words carry a vibration. 

“We hear an expression or an idea about money, something like “easy come, easy go” or “money doesn’t grow on trees” and then we start repeating it and acting it out as if it were our point of view. It’s not our point of view. It’s just some catchy phrase we picked up along the way. And we start saying it over and over again. We use these expressions and comments about money to get a laugh or a reaction and we are so happy when people recognize our phrase and nod in agreement. 

All of that is in good fun, of course. No harm done, right? The problem is that words carry a vibration. When we repeatedly insert the same words and phrases into our conversations over and over again they become like a mantra or a prayer. By repeating them we unsuspectingly invoke an energy that starts creating a reality with money that may not reflect what we desire to have manifest in our world.”   

~ Kass Thomas

For more about Kass and her classes, recordings, books & products, go here!


“Don’t resist, and follow the energy!”

Don’t resist, and follow the energy! 

“Here’s how it works.
When you encounter the Energy Suckers – those people who are always sucking energy from you, instead of resisting or succumbing and allowing them to exhaust you or suck the life out of you, simply flow energy towards them. That’s right, don’t resist, and follow the energy. Contribute to their efforts. Go with the flow. Let them suck!”  

~ Kass Thomas

For more about Kass and her classes, recordings, books & products, go here!


Having Ease with Money: ” Noble causes require money”

Noble causes require money. 

“I love when people say they are not motivated by money, it’s not important to them. They are concerned about more “noble causes” and they wear these noble causes like a badge of honor. They can’t be bothered by such trivial pursuits as money, they are beyond all that and ignore, resist or avoid a money oriented reality.

Well here is a news flash: Noble causes require money. Lots of money. Nonprofits are some of the richest organizations on the planet. Have you been to the Vatican museum?!”  

~ Kass Thomas

For more about Kass and her classes, recordings, books & products, go here!
