Kass Thomas
Teachers Private Dashboard

7steps® Prelude Teachers

Turkey  Turkey

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Prelude Teachers
Sebnem Soyak
+90 5326683658
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Prelude Teachers
Burcu Aybey
+90 5448928752

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Do you really live the life you desire?
Are you ready to become more of you?

Turkish below

Gerçekten arzu ettiğiniz hayatı yaşıyor musunuz?
Daha fazla kendiniz olmaya hazır mısınız?

Ben Burcu Aybey, Marmara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi mezunuyum, LL.M. ünvanımı alırken, Türk Anonim Şirketleri üzerine yazdığım tez ile yüksek lisans yaptım ve Avrupa Patent Vekili oldum, 30 yılı aşkın bir süredir kurumsal ticaret şirketleri ve fikri mülkiyet hukuk danışmanı ve ticaret hukuku avukatı olarak çalıştım.

Şimdi aldığım her nefeste kapasitelerimden daha fazlasını seçiyorum...

Pandemiden sonra, uzun süreli, besleyici ve zengin ilişkiler geliştirmenin en iyi ve basit yolunu bulmayı arzuladım.

Muhteşem Kass Thomas'ın küçük ve çok güçlü 7 Adımda Kusursuz İletişim kitabını okuyordum.

Bir anda sadece 7adım kitabının kitap kulübünü oluşturmayı seçtim ve aynı anda izin almak için Kass'a yazdım.

Aynı gün 3 ADIM ile yolculuğum başladı. 3 ADIM PROGRAMI, gerçekten SİZ olarak adım atmak, DAHA FAZLA KENDİNİZ olmak için sanki sihirmiş gibi kendinizi kucaklamaya izin verirseniz gizli yeteneklerinizin ve kabiliyetlerinizin neler olduğunu keşfetmek için adım atmakla ilgilidir, sizin benzersiz gücünüz ve sınırsız kudretiniz ile SİZİN BÜYÜKLÜĞÜNÜZ olarak GÖRÜNÜR OLMAYA ADIM ATMAK için fırsattır.

Bu benim Kass Thomas'ın 3 ADIM Programı'nın muhteşem enerjisiyle ilk yıldayım ve üçüncü ayı tamamladım. Mali durumum ve nakit akışlarım konusunda şimdiden önemli bir ilerleme kaydettim. Başkalarıyla iletişim kurduğumda kendim gibi konuşuyorum ve her gün kendimi daha fazla seçmeye devam edersem benim için gerçekten neyin mümkün olduğunu gerçekten hayal bile edemiyorum. Gerçekten merak ediyorum daha fazla ne talep edebilirim ve neler keşfedebilirim?

7adım Programı, sonsuz seçeneklerin mümkün olduğu bilinciyle yaşamanın çok basit bir yolunu sunuyor. Seçiminiz ve bilinç eylemlerinizle gerçekten arzu ettiğiniz hayatı yaratabilirsiniz.

Dünyanın her yerindeki muhteşem 7adım Öğretmenleri ile birlikte yaratım ilişkisinde olmaktan onur duyuyorum ve hayatımda en iyinin de en iyisi olan Kass Thomas'a sahip olduğum için çok minnettarım.

Üniversite yıllarında araştırma görevlisiydim, eğitmenlikte hem öğrenci ve hem de eğitmeni besleyen iki tarafa doğru giden enerjiye hayranlık duyuyorum ... Bugün bir 7adım Öğretmeni olduğum için çok mutluyum ve bu muhteşem kitabın ve 7adım Öğretmenleri Programı'nın sihriyle keşfetmeyi daha çok seviyorum. 7adım Prelüd ve Prelüd Giriş Atölye veriyorum. Ayrıca Kass'ın ve dünyanın dört bir yanındaki diğer öğretmenlerinin sihirli 7adım Sınıfları'ın Türkçe çevirisini yapıyorum.

7adım Sınıfları'nda öğretirken, diğerleriyle iletişim, SİZ olarak KENDİNİZ ile olan iletişiminizle başlar...

Her gün daha fazla kendim olmayı seçiyorum.

Evren bana sihrini göster, bugün daha fazla hangi sihir olabilirim?

Bize katılmak isterseniz tüm sorularınız için size yardımcı olmaktan mutluluk duyarım veya 7adım Öğretmeni olmak istiyorsanız lütfen bana bilgi verebilir misiniz?

Yakında dünyanın her yerinde sizlerle yüz yüze görüşmek için sabırsızlanıyorum ...


Do you really live the life you desire?
Are you ready to become more of you?

I am Burcu Aybey, I graduated from Marmara University Faculty of Law, I did my LL.M. degree on Turkish Joint Stock Companies and I become European Patent Attorney, I did practice for over 30 years as a corporote commercial and intellectual property law specialist as legal advisor and attorney at law.

Now I am choosing more of my capasities each and every breath I take...

After the pandemic, I was asking to find the best and yet simple way to grow long lasting, nurturing and rich relationships.

I was reading the litte and very powerful 7steps to Flawless Communication book from the amazing Kass Thomas.

I simply choose to create the book club of the 7steps book and at the same moment I wrote to Kass to get the permission.

My journey with 3 STEPS started at the same day. The 3 STEPS Programme is about stepping in as truley YOU, stepping up to discover what are the hidden talents and abilities if you let yourself to embrace yourself as if by magic to become MORE of YOU, and stepping out is simply to be able to see all the possibilities and to BECOME SEEN as the GREATNESS of YOU with your unique power and unlimited potency.

This is my first year and the third month with the amazing energy of the 3 STEPS from Kass Thomas. I already made a significant progress with my financial situation and cash flows. I am speaking as me when I communicate with others and I really can't imagine what is truely possible for me if I keep choosing more of me every day. I really wonder what more can I ask and explore?

The 7steps Programme is offering a very simple way of living with the awareness of infinite choices. You can create the life you truely desire with your choice and your actions of consciousness.

I am so proud to be in creationship with the amazing 7steps Teachers all around the world and I am so grateful to have the best of the best Kass Thomas in my life.

I was an assistant proffessor in the university decades ago and I adore the two way nurturing energy for the tutor and the student both ... and today I am so happy to be a 7steps Teacher and I love exploring more with the magic of this amazing book and the 7steps Teacher's Programme. I am teaching 7steps Prelude & Prelude Intro Classes. I am also doing the Turkish translation for the magical 7steps Clasess from Kass and other teachers around the world.

As we are teaching in the 7steps Classes, the communication with others strats from the communication with YOU as YOU ...

I keep choosing to be more of me every day.

Universe show me the magic, what more magic can I be today?

If you like to join us please let me know, I would love to assist you for any and all questions and what if you desire to become a 7steps Teacher?

I can't wait to see you in person around the globe soon ...

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Prelude Teachers
Tugce Esenkar Temel
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Prelude Teachers
Muazzez Yasan Inan
+90 5054930230

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Merhaba. Kendinle ve yeryüzü ve varolan her şey ile yeniden tamamen kendin olarak bağlantı kurmaya ne dersin? Eğlenelim biraz...

Bu arada, farklı bazı tekniklerin uygulayıcısı ve Access Consciousness Eğitmeni veee 7 Adımda Kusursuz İletişim Öğretmeniyim.

Bu güzel sayfayı ziyaret etmen ne güzel.

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Prelude Teachers
Gulay Idali
+90 5308115678

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I am a Nurse, 

Access Bars,


Body Processes,

Facelift Practitioner.
I'm a Laughter Yoga Instructor
I am a Kundalini Reiki Instructor

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Prelude Teachers
Sahide Kizilkaya

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Hallo Hola Olá
Ciao Jó napot Arjantin Dia

Nǐ hǎo

Bizi birbirimizden ayıranlardan daha çok birleştirenler var.

Etkili ve kusursuz iletişim için buluşmaya var mısın?

Yürüyen ölü olmak yerine canlanmaya hazır mısın?

O zaman sınıflarda buluşmak üzere dostum.


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Prelude Teachers
Cagla Necat
+90 5068865725
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Prelude Teachers
Jalal Glaw
+90 +218912113291

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My name is Jalal Glaw, I am lighting solutions engineer working in my own company since 2003 to advice a new and smart solutions for my clients.

All the time, I was looking for the way to communicate with my clients, workers, kids and my body, and I was lost, I used the access consciousness tools as PF, BPP & CFMW ( till now ) and I keep asking the questions until I heard about the 7 steps by an amazing humanoid Kass Thomas which bring me to her would.

I heard about the 7 steps program from the 7 steps teachers and I got awareness to learn more about them. Now I am a 7 step teacher How does it get any better than this?

Our bodies know everything, what they will inform us about if we learn how to get this information’s from them?

What we will create if we learned how to connect with people around us?

How does our live will be if we chose to be a gift of this universe?

Let us go for this trip to improve our live and world .

I speak Arabic & English and what else is possible ?  

See you soon

Contact numbers: +905462113299  & +218912113291 email: jalalglaw@bowabtalmagd.ly


أنا جلال قلاو، مهندس حلول الإضاءة أعمل في شركتي الخاصة منذ عام 2003 لتقديم المشورة لحلول جديدة وذكية لعملائي.

طوال الوقت، كنت أبحث عن طريقة للتواصل مع عملائي والعاملين لدى

ومع أولادي وجسدي، وقد كنت تائه، أستخدمت أدوات الوصول الى الوعى من مدرسة الاكسس كونشسنيس الامريكية والذى أنا الان ممارس لمسارات الوعى وممارس لعمليات الجسد ( حتى الان )


واستمريت في طرح الأسئلة حتى سمعت عن الخطوات السبعة للتواصل والتي أنشأتها الكائن اللامحدود والرائعة كاس توماس.

وتعرفت على برنامج الخطوات السبع من المعلمين وأتبعت أدراكي وحدسي لمعرفة المزيد عنها وتدرجت في فصولها واخترت ان أصبح معلم .

أنا معلم للخطوات السبع للتواصل

 كيف يمكن أن يكون أفضل من هذا؟

إن أجسامنا تعرف كل شيء، وطوال الوقت هي تعبر بطريقتها ونحن لا نفهمها، فما الذي سيغير في واقعنا إذا تعلمنا كيفي نفهمها ونتواصل معها ؟

ما الذي سنخلقه إذا تعلمنا كيفية التواصل مع الأشخاص من حولنا؟

كيف ستكون حياتنا إذا اخترنا أن نكون هدية لهذا الكون؟

دعونا نذهب في هذه الرحلة لتحسين حياتنا وعالمنا.

أنا أتحدث اللغتين العربية والإنجليزية وما هو ممكن أيضا؟

اراك قريبا





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Prelude Teachers
Turgut Demircivi
+90 5050454893

India  India

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Prelude Teachers
Shalini Chaudhary

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I believe healing is a journey not destination.A

Access Conciousness Bars Facilitator Shamanic healer

I read Angel and ancestoral cards.

Management student , explored hospitality, school teacher.

Innquisitive,I seek  to learn more  modalities and explore more cultures.


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Prelude Teachers
Dr Sasha Nagporewalla
+91 +918390067365

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Medical Doctor, Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator, 7steps to Flawless communication Facilitator! I am weird, wacky, and love exploring living! I've always known something else was possible with how we can do things in this world and now I am actively seeking and assisting myself and everyone to get to their magic! Come play! lets have a lot of fun!!!

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Prelude Teachers
Shivangi Dadhich

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Hi there, I invite you with all your quirks, ambiguities and weirdness on an everyday exploration of unending possibilities. Possibilities that pave the way to access your inner power!

I am Shivangi Dadhich

7steps Teacher, Internationally Certified Access Bars Facilitator, Pranic Healing Practitioner (Basic)

Founder- Heal With Shivangi

Board Member- Share a Smile Foundation, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India

My inquiry in ways to live a stress free life, began 11 years ago when I started my career with leading NGOs in India. Exposure to intricate elements of well being took me beyond the pathological mental health lens to learning and practising different healing modalities. 

Over 5 years now I have been facilitating myself and everyone on a revealing journey of 360 degree empowerment. Join me for 7steps book readings, adventured, online and offline classes, all employing tools and processes that have been found to create flwaless communication in all areas of life.

Would you like to marinate in empowering yourself?

"We are not here just to conform to the ways of living of this reality, we are the creators of reality itself. And what if the purpose of life truly is to have fun discovering our unique gifts?”


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Prelude Teachers
Dr Shubhra N Punetha
+91 +919538725777

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I am Dr Shubhra from Bangalore India who loves exploring different modalities and integrating that information with her medical knowledge. I am 7steps Teacher and an Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator and enjoy using the 7steps to Flawless Communication in dealing with mental health issues and also physical issues in the body. I see myself as a whisperer of possibilities and love inviting people to the same.

Argentina  Argentina

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Prelude Teachers
Tomas Sanchez Girard
+54 +5491169237710

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La comunicación es parte de nuestra vida de todos los días. La pregunta es: ¿te funciona como te gustaría?
Llegué a un punto donde mi vida estaba rodeada de diferentes niveles de comunicación cuando me di cuenta de que podía hablar más que con mi pareja, familia, maestros, alumnos, clientes, jefes y colegas. Descubrí que podía comunicarme con la energía cuando mi canto llegaba a las personas que entendían "lo que estaba sintiendo" aunque era un idioma que ellos no podían entender. Supe entonces que la comunicación era algo especial y los 7pasos me mostraron una forma muy FÁCIL de desarrollarla y guiar a otros a encontrar esa facilidad con la comunicación. ¿Quisieras convertirte en un/una Comunicador/a Impecable? ¡Ven a jugar conmigo! 


Communication is part of our every day life. The question is: is it working as you would like it to? 
I came to a point where my life was sorrounded by different levels of communication when I realized I could speak with more than my partner, family, teachers, students, clients, bosses and colleagues. I discovered I could communicate with  energy when my singing voice got to people that understood what "I was feeling" eventhough it was in a language they could not understand. I knew then communication was something special and the 7stepsTM showed me a very EASY way to develop that and guide others to find the ease with communication. Would you like to become a "Flawless Communicator"? Come play with me! 


Italy  Italy

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Prelude Teachers
Maura Tomei
+39 3929908667

7steps® Intro Teachers

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