After booking and paying for the session, contact
to arrange the time and place for the meeting.
Please note that sessions are considered booked only when scheduled and paid for.
Session recordings will be sent to you after the session.
These are personalized sessions that provide clarity on what you desire to create in your work, relationships, finances, and life in general. These sessions show you options for realizing your desires... without excluding yourself.
In each session, you will continue to gain more clarity and explore additional options so you can test various possibilities and adapt them to your situation and particular interests. It’s the perfect time to gain clarity about the directions you’d like to take in your life and work so that you never exclude “you” from the equation again. Now is the time to embark on the personal and professional success path that is both financially and emotionally rewarding.
Don’t miss this unique approach to discovering and dancing with the riches of your life.
[ Online & In-Person ]
Special price! 50% off from 850 EUR
Special price! 50% off from 1,500 EUR
When you join a private session with Kass — Coaching Session, Access Bars, EMT, SOP, Body Processes… — you’ll be guided to expand your abilities to overcome any limits that have so far kept you from thriving.
For nearly 20 years, Kass has been hosting and facilitating various specialized Access classes thanks to the Founders of Access, Gary Douglas and Dain Heer.
From verbal processing to body processes, from SOP sessions to entity clearing, and much more, these sessions with Kass allow you to unlock the binary codes that prevent you from accessing your telepathic and human abilities.
Is it time to reclaim all your human abilities and connect with your communicative genius?
The changes are dynamic and indefinable, and the results will free you from the chains of limited reality.
These Access Consciousness sessions are fast and dynamic.
Sign up now and experience a whirlwind of possibilities in a single session.
Let’s go!
[ In-Person Only ]
There are two types of people who want to achieve their goals: those who prefer to go it alone and motivate themselves and those who choose a coach to guide them, teach them tools to overcome challenges, and inspire them to stay on track to achieve their desires.
If you are part of the second group, you’re in luck!
This 6-month coaching program will offer you individual and group meetings every month, plus some special gifts that Kass will offer at the right time.
[ Online & In-Person ]
Special price! 50% off from 10,000 EUR