Tales from the Golden Planet - 1day

Tales from the Golden Planet - 1day

Upcoming classes

Is this simply a lovely story?

A metaphor?

Is now the time to access our super powers?

One of the many things that grabbed my interest when I first encountered Gary Douglas was his story about the Golden Planet.

He talked about the ability of people to create anything just by thinking about it.

Our capacity to invite anything into physical actualization just by desiring it was an inspiration for me.

It was so clear to me that we have been using so many distractions to keep us away from this capacity and that we are now ready to bring that reality to life here on THIS planet.

What I have noticed is how much is truly possible when we recognize our capacity to receive, know be and perceive infinitely.

So I am asking: Is now the time to access these abilities, again?

To be the magic that we are?

To invite magic?

To have communion with plants, animals, this planet and beyond?

Let's be a contribution to this planet instead of simply walking on it.

Are we willing to be the beacon of light that invites more kindness and change in the world and create a different reality?

Join me to talk, play and reignite those talents and abilities that we have been hiding.

It is truly the time to bring to life what we have always known was possible but have never been willing to be and contribute to the creation of a different reality here.

What is truly possible in this reality and beyond?

Looking forward to exploring this together.

Hope to see you soon live or online.

Kass Thomas

Available: Live & Online
Pre-requisites : None
Duration : approximately 0 hour\s (0 day\s )
Suggested Price : 0.00

Upcoming classes

coming soon in short time

Page language: English English
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