Dancing with Riches - The Workshop

Upcoming classes

Dancing with Riches - The Workshop

Launch your projects and entrepreneurial success

Upcoming classes

the invite

This workshop was created over 5 years ago by Kass to assist people in accessing their economic and career goals with a completely revolutionary approach to business and creation.

The active coaching and prompts provided by Kass in this workshop are beyond the usual workshop session method.

Join the workshop and discover things you have always known and been capable of but that perhaps you have not yet fully brought to life.
Experiment with the Dancing with Riches approach using practical exercises in communion with other people and let yourself be gently guided through the gateways of your life and business journey by Kass’s kind presence and practical articulation of advice.
With her easy manner, keen sense of humor and unwavering presence Kass gently accompanies you into accelerated living examples of how to craft a successful business or career pathway that works for you.

Would you like to play with different roles in different businesses and collaborate with others on how to move a business or a project forward?
Join us now and open up a world of possibilities that make the riches of your life tangible, malleable, playful and fun.

What is this class?

This is an interactive 2-day workshop designed to give participants hands-on experience in a safe environment where they can interact and experiment with each other.
Get clarity on what works for you and what doesn’t, so that you can bring your dreams to life and create more revenue, harmony and experience growth with an ease that makes creation not only fun but also lucrative and contributive to you, your business and the world.
It is super interactive and dynamic, quite different than any other workshop you have ever participated in.
It allows you to not only unveil some of your capacities that you may not have yet recognized or considered valuable, but also to learn how to use those talents to create more in business and life.
It invites you to get clear about your skills, clear about your projects and ideas, putting them together and getting practice in working on projects with those skills, alone and in a group.
You will get an awareness of what is required of a project idea, by:

  • Connecting with the dreams and ideas that you had stored away;
  • Recognizing your talents and abilities;
  • Understanding in what areas is improvement and fine tuning required;
  • Acknowledging a well-rounded view of all the roles required for creation of new revenue streams.
  • Work on one or two projects with different team members and with you in different roles.
Presentation of the project at the end of the class gives you an awareness of what is required to bring a dream to life


How it can help me?

You will get to see WHEN and HOW to apply your skills in different areas of business development, maintenance and expansion, even in challenging times or situations.
It gives you the occasion to interact with others on your project ideas in a group setting with the input and interaction from Kass and other participants, therefore acquiring expertise on how to undertake or adjust your own entrepreneurial pathway.
You will identify

  • the various roles you are capable of playing,
  • the types of collaborators you can work with,
  • have clarity about the process required to start something new,
  • expand what you are already doing, and
  • develop or find new projects and activities to increase your income, success and fun factor.
The workshop’s practical exercises were specifically developed to give you clarity on what kinds of systems and collaboration you require based not only on the business or the activity itself but also, and most importantly, based on who YOU are (what you know, your talents, and what you have available).
If you already have a project you want to help grow, this workshop provides you with dynamic tools to improve it.
If you’re looking to create a new project from scratch, this workshop will help you get it off the ground and into an exponential road of possibilities.


How is structured?

The workshop is structured in 4 part sessions, or modules. Each module is 2.5 to 3 hours.
At the end of each session participants are given some areas to reflect upon which are addressed at the beginning of each subsequent module.
The first module involves identification of projects and businesses that participants are engaged in or desire to create; the session continues by encouraging spontaneous feedback from participants about their fun factor, encouraging them to articulate and get clarity on what inspires and motivates them.
Usually it starts with specific events and activities and moves forward into atmospheres and the presence of certain elements.
Next the group delves into examination of skills, habits, talents and abilities, both common ones and underlying ones that may have been identified as excessive or limited. Specific techniques to stimulate recognition of these is one of Kass’s talents.
This first module ends with a re-examination of some of the projects initially identified, adding to the list some of the joys initially identified, and some of the talents initially identified.
The second module looks into business and the various components of project structure, roles and characteristics involved in projects and businesses development.
This tool is quite interactive and Kass stimulates the articulation of useful and unique feedback from participants which helps move the conversations forward in a highly interactive way.
Their knowledge about business, based on life experiences, gives clarity about what is important in general and to each person in particular and provides a platform for the following module. Participants discover talents that they did not recognize that they had.
The third module is the opening phase of project development and presentations. This involves identifying projects and roles that participants are not familiar or comfortable with, inviting them to engage with one group in a new and unfamiliar role and giving feedback afterwards.
Kass visits the various groups and helps them move forward identifying their targets as representative of a particular role.
Later speed dating sessions are used, and the brilliance of each participant’s contribution to different projects is astonishing.
The session ends with a recap of the various roles in different businesses and reviewing previously known and newly discovered talents of each participant.
The fourth module involves preparing and delivering a presentation of the key selected projects: an initial description of the project, and a call to action from the project director launches the discussion by group participants from the perspective of a role they are comfortable in.
Suggestions are made by Kass during the group meeting concerning the elements required to present the project at the end of the module in a way that is understandable to an unknown audience.
At the end of the class each group presents the project that they have elaborated together based on their skills and interest.
The session ends with a recap of the various sessions and some inspirational tips and connections for participants to continue the journey.
Participants are invited to join follow up sessions which elaborate different topics and talent training with special guests in the following weeks.

How long does it last?

The event lasts 12 hours divided into 4 different modules over 2 or 4 days

Available: Live & Online
Duration : approximately 10 hour\s (2 day\s )
Suggested Price : 850.00 EUR
Repeat Price (50%) if you had the class in the last 12 months

Upcoming classes

coming soon in short time

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