Access Book Club

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Access Book Club

Reading excerpts from these books with Kass...

Upcoming classes


For more than 15 years Kass has been working with Access Consciousness tools, being the first one to get the books translated in over 9 languages.

Today, she continues to coordinate translations of the books and plays with Access Consciousness as an everyday tool in all areas of her life.

Get a feel of Kass’ global perspective while reading together sections of Access Consciousness books and have fun enriching the discussion about each topic.

What is this class

This is a reading of the book by Kass with the energy of the material and subjects addressed in the book.

Kass loves to refer to her awareness of how these topics may have come about and share the energy through readings.

How can it help me

Reading excerpts from these books with Kass will give you a different perspective on how to apply the tools in different areas of your life.

The tone and the energy of the text, read by Kass’ warm and inviting voice, allows you to receive the information not only logically but also energetically.

Is it time to recognize what you have always known?

Kass uses the tools in these books to help you acknowledge that and put them into practice with ease and joy and glory.

How is it structured

We begin by discussing the topics covered in the book and then choose passages from the book which address those topics.

After reading a passage, Kass discusses with participants some of the real life scenarios and ways to use the tools provided by the author.

How long does it last?

Three 1-hour sessions

Available: only Online
Duration : approximately 1 hour\s (1 day\s )
Suggested Price : 45.00 EUR

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coming soon in short time

Page language: English English
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