Book launch Dancing with Riches

Upcoming classes

Book launch Dancing with Riches

What is a happy, bubbly life, when joy is available in abundance?

Upcoming classes

the invite

Join Kass for this unique book club going over the 6 areas covered in the chapters of the book: Self, Body, Relationships, Money, Career, Purpose of Life.

Discover a new perspective on how to engage with each one of these areas of your life and start seeing how to put into action your projects and ideas in a way that allows you to reach the results you always desired.

What is this class?

This is a reading of the Dancing with Riches book that provides you with an unprecedented glimpse into the journey of the author, Coach, Access facilitator and creator of the Dancing with Riches approach, Kass Thomas.
She gives exclusive commentary on all the precious pearls she shared on her book and invites participants to learn to recognize their own.

How it can help me?

This book club will help you get some perspective on how to start putting into action projects and ideas that you have and on how to conquer the adversities that get in the way of your success, with easy, practical advice, applicable to any one of the areas mentioned in the book.

How is structured?

We read different passages from the book and discuss relevant scenarios regarding the topic to get clarity on how to enrich your life.

How long does it last?

Three 1-hour sessions.

Available: only Online
Pre-requisites : none
Duration : approximately 1 hour\s (1 day\s )
FREE event

Upcoming classes

coming soon in short time

Page language: English English
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