Dancing with Riches - Intro
Discover your talents and get inspired by the riches in your life
Dancing with Riches - Intro
Discover your talents and get inspired by the riches in your life
the invite Have you ever thought about what is so vital to you that you cannot imagine living without it? How much more can you generate in your life and business when you are motivated by having a clear vision of what you desire and an authentic connection to the best version of you? If you get that it is time for you to have more clarity on this and tackle your work and personal life from a more integrated perspective, join this Intro and learn an approach that will help you create the choices you desire for your future. |
What is this class? This is an introduction to the various elements from the Dancing with Riches unique approach to business, project development and life. |
How it can help me? This Intro class will show you what the Dancing with Riches approach is and how it can help you get more clarity on your business and life projects. |
How is structured? After the initial layout of the various elements that constitute the Dancing with Riches approach to business and life, participants get a chance to play with a few of these elements:
There is a brief try out of the interactive exercises that are part of the full day Dancing with Riches Prelude class and the 2-day Dancing with Riches workshop. In these, the participants get constructive feedback on the potential of their individual talents and projects and are able to see it from a different perspective. At the end of the Intro participants ALWAYS see themselves and their projects from a more motivated and inspired place.
How long does it last? Usually the event last 2 hour |