5 Senses and Beyond - Call # 2 Sense: Taste

on Web Zoominar, Web.

 23 May 2019
 21 - 22 CEST Check your local time HERE

  čeština, český jazyk English français Deutsch magyar Italiano Język Polski Português Русский Español

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(depend on today exchange rate and, for some classes, on your country of residence)

5 Senses and Beyond - Call # 2 Sense: Taste

What do you know about the five senses?

What do they mean to you?

Usually, when we talk about the five senses, we are referring to the five traditionally recognized methods of perception: taste, sight, touch, smell, and hearing.

But how much are we willing to go beyond the definitions of what we can do with these senses?

Not only do these five senses interact and contribute to one another, but they also give us access to more.

Would you like to discover this “more”? It is different for everyone...


Join me for an intimate conversation with guests from around the world.

These video events are live and can be watched later too.

It's an informal setting, as if you were in your living room.

We talk about a variety of topics, with a variety of guests in a variety of languages.

Pull up a chair and join the conversation, or sit on the couch and listen

Please check time, date (and language).

ON line video or on the phone, on zoom!

Duration : 1 day\s

Check your price
(depend on today exchange rate and, for some classes, on your country of residence)

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Kass Thomas

Kass Thomas Facilitator

Erendira Velazquez

Erendira Velazquez host
+34 +34606865469

Frederique Labe

Frederique Labe host
+41 765855243

This Event will be managed by Kass Thomas (bill.kassthomas@gmail.com)
Page language: English English
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