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A taste of Kass 「ア テイスト オブ キャス」

Kass is the first to facilitators to create in different languages around the world.

She has always believed that travel and multi lingual approach invited more consciousness into the world.

Would you like to add a more international flavor to your life and business?

Is now the time to create your business with joy and infinite possibilities ?

Join Kass and friends for a look beyond boundaries and language.

This Zoom meeting will be translated into Japanese.

9月28日 日本時間8pm~

「ア テイスト オブ キャス」 キャスは世界で、異なる言語で初めてクリエイトした初めてのファシリテーターです。 彼女はいつもこの旅は世界にもっとコンシャスネスを多言語でもっともたらされる、と信じていました。 あなたは、あなたの人生やビジネスにもっとインターナショナルなフレイバーを追加してみませんか? さぁ、今この時が、あなたのビジネスを喜びと無限の可能性でクリエイトする時ではないですか? 言語と境界線を越えて、キャスと友人となり、参加してください!


on Web Zoominar Zoominar


  English 日本語

104 registrations already!

Join me for an intimate conversation with guests from around the world.

These video events are live and can be watched later too.

It's an informal setting, as if you were in your living room.

We talk about a variety of topics, with a variety of guests in a variety of languages.

Pull up a chair and join the conversation, or sit on the couch and listen

Please check time, date (and language).

ON line video or on the phone, on zoom!

Duration : 1 day\s


Kass Thomas

Kass Thomas Facilitator

Ren Asagiri

Ren Asagiri host
 +81 +81753616898

Maki Kishimoto

Maki Kishimoto host
 +81 -80-4492-7708

Event hosts details
Page language: English English
Available languages:
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