Access Your Communication Genius - Prelude

An Access Specialty Class with Kass Thomas

Accede a tu genio de comunicación – 1 día Corrientes 1173,Buenos Aires,Argentina Buenos Aires, Argentina. Hotel Broadway Av. Corrientes 1173   Travel tips

 22 April 2000
 10:00 -> 17:00

  English Español

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(depend on today exchange rate and, for some classes, on your country of residence)

Accede a tu genio de comunicación – 1 día

¿Qué puedes soltar o aceptar que te permitiría tener más facilidad, gozo y gloria al comunicarte contigo mismo, tu cuerpo, los demás, el planeta y el universo?

Usemos las herramientas de Access para iluminar las sombras, revelar tu brillantez y permitir a tu genio brillar.

¿Estás listo para comunicarte más allá de las limitaciones de esta realidad?

¿Es hora de ser el cambio que sabes que es posible en el mundo?

Súmate a esta clase en vivo o en línea e invitemos a este cambio juntos.

Algunas de las áreas que exploramos durante la clase son:

  • Crear flujos de energía de Access
  • Ligero y pesado
  • Lenguaje corporal
  • Sobrecrear abuso

Y mucho más

En vivo y en línea 

Tipos de clase:

  • Introducción
  • Clase de un día
  • Clase de dos días

the invite

Are you ready to increase your communication capacities so you can create an atmosphere and lifestyle that works best for you?

Sometimes we are not clear about what we desire out of life, what we are capable of creating or how to go about it.

This class gently guides you through a variety of scenarios that allow you to see some of the triggers that have created uncomfortable situations in our lives.
The ability to see them from different perspectives allows us to have more clarity about what is really going on and, more importantly, how to adjust our approach in order to create different results.

This can be a contribution to every area of your life.

This class will be an enriching experience for you.

What is this class?

This is a 1-day class that illuminates a new world of possibilities and sensitizes you in a way that allows you to recognize what is going on, what is required, and how to create change in your life.

This is a practical approach to communication that helps you to reset and go beyond reaction-based decisions and blocks, yours or those of other people, and begin living your life from choice, in every moment.

Choice creates.

What choices can you make that will create what you desire, even if it is something as simple as a smile or acknowledgment, from others or even from you?

How it can help me?

This class provides you with quick, fun, practical and easily applicable tools to create more ease and fun when communicating in your daily life and in this world.

Interactive exercises and discussions during the class allow you to see first-hand how to use the tools in different situations and observe with what simplicity and speed change can occur.

You discover different ways of communicating and how to change the energy in a conversation, relationship or any situation in life with this class.

It is easy, fast, and each one of us actually already does it, without realizing it! Discover in this class how to recognize your capacities, increase your willingness to turn them up and learn how to apply them with ease and fun.

How is structured?


Part 1: Kass always starts this class by inviting participants to share in what ways they would like to increase their communication..

Part 2: The clearings and questions that follow are tailored to unlock any blocks participants may or may not be aware of in those areas and more..

Part 3: Examples are given, and Kass has many real life examples of communication challenges in different areas of life..

Part 4: Participants are asked to give their feedback about this and share what they have lived or observed in different areas.
(Kass has quite a magical way of inviting people to acknowledge what they already know)..

Part 5: Sharing the Creating Energy Flows tool of Access on different levels allows people to increase the subtlety of their observations..

Part 6: Feedback and recognition of awareness and how to apply that awareness in the participant’s daily lives.

How long does it last?

6 hours, with a couple of 15-20 minute breaks.

Duration : 1 day\s

Check your price
(depend on today exchange rate and, for some classes, on your country of residence)

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Kass Thomas

Kass Thomas Facilitator

Federico Alassia

Federico Alassia host
+54 93425239850

This Event will be managed by Kass Thomas (
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