You are invited to the Prelude Intro Class with Burcu Aybey and Tuğçe Esenkar Temel at Nişantaşı Bars Studio with live participation and online option.
Burcu Aybey ile Tuğçe Esenkar Temel Nişantaşı Bars Studio'da canlı katılım ve online seçeneği ile Prelüd İntro Sınıfı'na davetlisiniz.
This class will help you lay the foundations of communication!
Bu sınıf iletişim temellerini atmanızı sağlayacak!
In this class, we will realize that communication starts with ourselves and then continues with everything else, and we will take action.
İletişimin önce kendimiz ile başladığını ve sonra diğer her şey ile devam ettiğini bu sınıfta fark edip harekete geçeceğiz.
The investment for yourself to participate in the class is 5600 TL.
Sınıfa katılım için kendinize yatırım 5600-TL'dir.
Hemen Kayıt Olun!
7steps® Intro
Istanbul, Turkey. Vali Konağı Caddesi Akkavak Sokak No.19/38 Vali Konağı Caddesi Akkavak Sokak No.19/38 Nişantaşı Bars Studio
Travel tips
How can you gain more clarity, ease and money in your everyday life experiences and enhance the quality of your interactions with others?
By recognizing and acknowledging your talents, abilities and gifts you can put them to work for you to improve all areas of your life, from well-being to business.
Do you want to continue losing yourself and the possibilities that life is offering you, without you being able to grasp them?
The 7steps® Intro Class will allow you to finally reap the fruits that you have ignored so far along the way.
What is this class
This first date with 7steps will romance you into exploring the ease, excitement and simplicity of connecting with yourself and others.
7steps Intro invites you to play with the steps and uncover one of the most elusive and hard to find elements in most encounters: the MAGIC and UNIQUENESS of YOU, while also giving you the opportunity to practice them with others.
How it can help me
By getting an introductory grasp of the 7steps® you will become more present with you, providing yourself with the fundamentals towards a truly flawless communication.
You will be able to observe your daily life from a completely different point of view, which will bring you a breath of fresh air and possibilities that you would not have imagined.
How it is structured
In this two hour class we go through the 7steps and explain how to use them to get more connected with you, recognize when you are not connected, how to reconnect with a broader perspective and how to establish true connection, the 4 phases of the 7steps®.
During the intro class one or two steps are elaborated on through group play, inviting participants to begin using the steps with others.