7steps (7pasos)- El Preludio

Learn & experience the 7steps

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 19 August 2022
 16:00 a 21:00 CET

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(depend on today exchange rate and, for some classes, on your country of residence)

PRELUDIO Clase en Español 

¿Es ahora el momento de empezar a comunciarte y crear desde el Alto Voltaje?

A través del momento presente en el que se encuentras, viajaremos por los 7pasos y tu potencia total que a lo mejor hasta ahora no has elegido ser. Activando en todos, la habilidad de recordar y utilizar estos pasos con gran facilidad jugando con lo que se requiere para activar, cambiar y continuar creando la vida que quieres.

Nos enfocaremos en la forma en la magia y potencia de que cada uno y encontraremos nuevas formas de abordar la vida desde esa fuerza que tú tienes, al repasar las preguntas y ejercicios prácticos conectados a cada paso. Al mismo tiempo conectaremos los puntos entre las preguntas y ejercicios en escenarios reales de nuestras vidas.

¿Estás listo para regalar al mundo tu Magia?

Ven a:

  • Reconocer y explorar formas de ser auténtico en tu forma de crear y comunicarte, con facilidad.
  • Identificar todos los lugares y áreas en donde estás constantemente apagándote y como puedes tener una nueva perspectiva de cómo te estás comunicando y funcionando actualmente desde tu potencia.
  • Recibir información que te permitirá elegir una nueva manera de ser la intensidad de ti y como hacer que la comunicación funcione mejor para ti.
  • Lograr SER la totalidad de ti con un nuevo acercamiento práctico, fácil y rápido.

Cambiará la forma como te relacionas contigo y tu potencia, en todas las áreas de tu vida y te permitirá brillar de la forma única que solo tu puedes

No one does you better than you: begin expanding your range of impact.
This workshop will inspire you to go beyond the traditional methods of communication in order to achieve new levels of connection with others.
Right now you may be right on the tip of an iceberg... are you willing to take the leap?

What is this class

This class is designed to help you go immediately beyond your current spectrum of communicative prowess – in business, relationships, and with the world.
The word “Prelude” means an introductory piece of music, most commonly an orchestral opening to an act of an opera.
Here, it refers to the introduction to each of the easy steps of flawless communication and to an interactive approach on how to play with them in our daily lives.
It is a 1-day workshop that will provide you with the basis to recognize and explore how you can become proficient in your own authentic way of communicating with ease.
The Prelude class is fulfilling by itself and can currently be attended with Kass or a 7steps Teacher, before or after one of the 2-day 7steps workshops with Kass Thomas: 7steps Explosion and 7steps to Abundance.

How can it help me

The workshop leaves you with a new perspective on how you are currently functioning and communicating with others, and provides you with information that allows you to choose a new approach that works better for you.
This gives you a different level of flexibility when it comes to achieving a desired outcome and provides you with a realistic and practical approach to communicate with yourself, your body, other people and the world.
It will change the way you relate to others in all areas of your life, and allow your unique way of being to shine.

How it is structured

Each of the steps will be explained in depth providing the participants the ability to recall and use the steps with great ease on everyday situations by the end of the training.
You will also go over the questions and practical exercises connected to the steps, while being guided into connecting the dots between each question or exercise and real life scenarios.
Time is going to be given to answering participants’ questions, to creating an open discussion and to providing specific feedback and suggestions, which will open the door to new perspectives on who they are and who they are not.

Duration : 1 day\s

Check your price
(depend on today exchange rate and, for some classes, on your country of residence)

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Erendira Velazquez

Erendira Velazquez host
+34 +34606865469

This Event will be managed by Erendira Velazquez (velazquez.eri@gmail.com)
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