Registration on the website
Why do we ask all this information?
You can view our data retention, distribution and protection policy HERE .
If you later want to delete your data from our archives just send an email to
This data will not be used for any other purpose and will be kept confidential.
Thank you for your cooperation.
* mandatory data
- Your email: is the way we recognize you and allows you to send the documents necessary to participate in our events.
- A password so you can enter your reserved areas on our site.
- Your Name to let us to contact you adequately.
- Your country of residence: we need it to be able to issue a fair price where the events have different prices depending on the nationality of the participant.
- The preferred language to give you the most comfortable experience.
You can view our data retention, distribution and protection policy HERE .
If you later want to delete your data from our archives just send an email to
This data will not be used for any other purpose and will be kept confidential.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Please, if possible, enter the data in Latin characters, Thank you
Use these as credential for the next access to the website