Teleclass Dancing with Riches The Ease and Amusement of Living Consciously

10 Simple Steps to invite more money and success in your business and your life. Now.

Teleclass Dancing with Riches The Ease and Amusement of Living Consciously

10 Simple Steps to invite more money and success in your business and your life. Now.

Upcoming classes

With her easy manner and unwavering presence Kass gently guides you into a living example of how to have more ease in your life, even when it is challenging. This intesnive one day workshop gives you a full set of tools to transform your life with ease and joy. You will see how to effortlessly include YOU in your own life and business without excluding others. How much more can you generate and create in your life and business when you are having fun?

Is it possible to be playful and provocative? This workshop explores some of the most profound and stubborn areas of your life with humor and grace. This is an invitation to observe with kindness and amusement the various patterns in your life that have limited and kept you distracted over the years and let them go to create something more rewarding. Kass embodies ease and uses humor as an invitation for you to explore unspoken convictions that dictate our approach to business and Money: the way we live with it, can’t live without it, love it and hate it. With pragmatic, easy tools and real-world application, you discover how much many different options you have for creating more wealth in your life. You will have fun udnoing even your most resistant behavior or annoying habits. You learn to identify what works for you. Recognize what doesn’t. Then begin to gently make the shift to change your habits and create a new reality. Would you be willing to stop complaining about what isn’t working and start choosing what does? Change your approach, change your reality.

Available: Live & Online
Duration : approximately 0 hour\s (0 day\s )
Suggested Price : 0.00

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coming soon in short time

Page language: English English
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