The Ease and Amusement of Living Consciously

Simple steps to enjoying every moment of your life and inviting more success...Now.

The Ease and Amusement of Living Consciously

Simple steps to enjoying every moment of your life and inviting more success...Now.

Upcoming classes

With her easy manner and unwaivering presence Kass gently guides you into a living example of how to have more ease in your life, even when it is challenging.

This introductory evening gives an overview of the full day workshop which uses a variety of tools to difuse even the most challenging situations.

You will see how to effortlessly include YOU in your own life without excluding others.

How much fun can you have being as kind to you as you are to others?

Is it possible to be playful and provocative?

This workshop explores some of the most profound areas of your life with humor and grace.

This is an invitation to observe with kindness and amusement the various patterns in your life that have limited and kept you distracted over the years.

Kass embodies ease and uses humor as an invitation for you to explore unspoken convictions that dictate our approach to life and the way we live it, love it and hate it.

With pragmatic, easy tools and real-world application, you discover how much fun you can have with even your most resistant behavior or annoying habits.

Choose what works for you.

Recognize what doesn’t.

Then begin to gently make the shift to a new reality.

Most of us spend our time figuring out how to accommodate what we think others require of us.

This class invites you to identify what works for YOU, and how to tell the difference.

You would be surprised how often we convince ourselves that something is working when it really isn’t.

You may say, “not for us, not anymore”, and maybe it never was.

Would you be willing to stop complaining about it and change your approach, which can change your reality?

The point is: What would we like to change now?

What would we like to choose now?

Full day workshops on this theme are dedicated to specific topics such as:

  • Ease and Amusement of Living Consciously with Business&Money
  • Ease and Amusement of LIving Consciously in Relationship
  • Ease and Amusement of Living Consciously with Bodies

Check calendar for listings of full day workshops scheduled on these themes

Available: Live & Online
Duration : approximately 0 hour\s (0 day\s )
Suggested Price : 0.00

Upcoming classes

coming soon in short time

Page language: English English
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